
Welcome to St. Mary’s ministries. Which are you called to become a part of?

For our Young Adult Ministry, visit the Ablaze website!

Altar Servers

Boys and girls who have made their First Communion and who are in 4th grade or above can become altar servers, assisting the priest at weekend and special
Masses. Adult altar servers assist at funeral Masses.

To become an Altar Server contact Deacon John Owczarczak at (716) 683-3269

Eucharistic Minister Training

It has been decided that training for Eucharistic Ministers (EM) will be done by the diocese office of worship. Please submit an application for formation and ministry  and return to St Mary’s Rectory for a signature!

You will be contacted by the Diocese individually regarding upcoming sessions, whether available in person or virtually via ZOOM or Microsoft Teams.

Please note that there is a fee of $35 per person to cover the cost of training materials for the session. This will be paid for by the parish.


If you have any questions, please call (716) 847-5545 or email [email protected].