Support Our School
Fundraisers and Events
Check out our attached flyer for upcoming events at St. Mary’s and ways you can help support STREAM (science, technology, religion, engineering, arts and math) at St. Mary’s Elementary School!
Included on the flyer are some of the fundraisers and events that we plan to hold throughout the year at St. Mary’s. Please save this sheet so that you have quick access to the information that you need. Events and their details are subject to change as we move through the year, and regular updates will be posted in the NewsNotes and bulletin, as well as on Facebook.
If you are interested in helping out with any of the events listed, please reach out to the specific event chair (if provided), or contact our school at (716) 683-2112 or the Rectory at (716) 683-6445.
Shop RaiseRight!
You can also Support St. Mary’s with RaiseRight (formerly Scrip). Need a gift card? Learn about how you can benefit our Church by supporting our school with RaiseRight!
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