L.I.F.E. – Living in Faith Everyday
Welcome to the St. Mary’s blog, where we share articles, devotionals, and testimonies about the Catholic faith. We hope to equip Catholics with the knowledge and guidance they need to defend the faith, grow deeper in their relationship with the Lord, and live in faith everyday.

The Light of Lent
Author: Kaitlin Scirri The winter months can be tough. They often seem to drag on endlessly, especially in the northeast. The days grow...
The Lady of the House
Author: Kaitlin Scirri Another year is here! We began our new liturgical year with the start of Advent, and now we begin our new calendar...
How Can I Make it Up to You?
Author: Kaitlin Scirri Have you ever wanted to confess? No, I’m not talking about confession, when we tell a priest our sins. Let’s be...
Beloved Child of God
Author: Kaitlin Scirri Get Well Soon. Wishing You a Speedy Recovery. Thinking of You. When it comes to physical illness, we have many...
Start Again
Author: Kaitlin Scirri A couple of years ago, Disney Pixar released an animated film titled Soul. The premise of Soul is that every soul...
Broken Edges
Author: Kaitlin Scirri As a recent convert to Catholicism, I often feel like a kid on Christmas morning with an endless pile of gifts...
Are Catholics Anti-Science?
Author: Kaitlin Scirri We’ve all heard it. “The Catholic Church is anti-science.” This common misconception about the Catholic Church has...
Spiritual Fitness in the New Year
Author: Kaitlin Scirri Each year, December 31 brings a mix of emotions. There are celebrations and expectations. There are high hopes for...